Today I have an interview with Rob "Sedge" Sedgeman, the winner of the Games Workshop Warlords event, Warhammer Livestream star, and Bonesplitterz Wurrgog Prophet. Find out how he got into the hobby, what it was like knowing that hundreds of people were watching him play live, and how he got 2,000 points of orruks painted so quickly!
Tyler: What first drew you into the hobby?
Tyler: Do you prefer competitive play over narrative play?
Sedge: Though I enjoy narrative I’ve always considered myself a tournament player. Equal armies battling lead by competent generals in the pursuit of victory, nothing finer. This has led me to generally play practice games for upcoming events. Recently with the release of AoS I have found myself playing more narrative games especially with introducing my two sons to the game (Ollie 10 and Louis 8). The Generals handbook has helped my step away from the uber-competitive gaming.
Sedge: So the introduction of AoS! Blimey what a ride. I went through the lot; Grief, rage and denial. I stepped away from 8th and into a post Warhammer world where I dabbled in some other games namely Star Wars Armada (a truly epic game of space battles with epic sized ships). I was finally reintroduced to AoS by my good friend Carl Smith, two games in (a Loss and a draw) and I was hooked again.
Tyler: What were your thoughts on AoS when it first came out?
Tyler: Do you think the General’s Handbook was needed to “fix” AoS?
Tyler: What other games do you play?
Sedge: To be honest I don’t really play anything else. I haven’t the time. If I could it would be more SW Armada and board games.
Tyler: What made you choose the Bonesplitterz as your army to take to Warlords?
Sedge: Why Bonesplitterz? Well my High elves which I painted for the SCGT had been made almost irrelevant with some of the changes to the army structure. I had spent an awful lot of time building and paint a huge force, mainly with very old OOP models. All the blades were airbrushed blue NMM a true labour of love. But something new! I went back to Ogres for a little while but having used them for years I really needed something different. Bonesplitterz had just been released along with an accompanying episode from Facehammer which kind of struck a chord. I could see if it was possible to do in time for Warlords and the answer, only just! The army is just cool. Who doesn’t love the idea of hordes of anything swarming across the board and this was an army that suited that horde mentality well, something I love. Also there are plenty of synergy in the list which appealed to my inner gamer, get them to work and it would be a thing of beauty.
Tyler: How did you paint 2,000 points of orruks so quickly? The Battletome was released in the middle of July and Warlords was at the beginning of September.
Sedge: So how to paint quickly? A simple production line. Black undercoat, white zenith highlight. Airbrush the greens, Waaaagh! Flesh base Warboss green highlight and wash Biel-tan green got a great majority done. Then highlight with Skarsnik green and light Underhive ash brush. Then limited pallet of Thunderhawk blue and Incubi Darkness.
I then just put in the hours. My wife was incredibly accommodating with the hours I was doing as it gave her unrestricted access to rubbish wedding programs on the TV. I just sat and did it. Managed a fair/good tabletop standard quickly but really want to get back into them and add the tattoos for the next event.
Tyler: What were your toughest games at the event?
Sedge: The toughest game at the event was actually against my fellow club mate Pano (Jonathon Pano Kyprianidis) and his Bloodbound. We played the escalation scenario, had a ton of models then decided to have a few drinks. Not a great idea really as this would prove to be a very complicated game. The Bonesplitterz are not easy to use. They require a lot of concentration on the actual dice rolling (a good turn could lead to over 450 arrows being fired with re-rolls galore). The game itself was very tight with combat erupting along the entire battlefield from T1. Epic but hard work. In the end it was incredibly close but the Bonesplitterz were just getting the upper hand.
Tyler: How did it feel knowing that 2 of your games were being livestreamed all over the world?
Sedge: Warhammer on TV! Are you kidding me! This is amazing. I phoned my wife as soon as I knew and got my two boys watching it all LIVE. They loved it. I think this is a huge step change in the tournament scene and I’m excited to see how it plays out. Lots I would change or love to see but as a start its epic. I would love to comment in more depth on games as they played, what we were trying to do, tactics etc.but we were a little busy in game. We did answer whatever question we could during game.
Tyler: What army are you planning on tackling next?
Tyler: What do you want to see for the future of AoS?
Sedge: The future of AoS? No idea. More of the same will be just fantastic, updates to Generals handbook would be advisable. Let’s see common units go up in price and uncommon go down. simple. New armies and rehashing old ideas, worked well so far. More terrain for different armies and realms.
Tyler: Any final thoughts?
Wargaming is my hobby, I’ve been playing it for 31 years now and hoping to play for many more.
I would like to thank Sedge again for taking the time to do this interview. You can follow him on Twitter at @sedge55. You can watch the entirety of the Warlords event here for Saturday, and here and here for Sunday.
Until next time,
Tyler M.
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