The Mengel Miniatures Season of War Painting Competition is done and over, and now it's time for you to pick the People's Choice winner! Take a look through all of the amazing entries and pick your favorite.
First off, I am absolutely floored with the number and quality of entries for this! Seriously, there are some fantastic minis in here, you guys are going to make it really hard for me to judge the Single Mini and Unit/Large Model winners. There is one other winner though of course, the People's Choice! This is the one model from all of the entries, picked by you the readers, that you think is the best of the best, I have no input on it.
You can see all of the entries below, and at the bottom of the page will be a poll you can vote in to pick who you think should win. You can also vote on Facebook and Twitter. Whoever has the most votes across all three platforms will be the winner, so be sure to vote everywhere you can, one vote per person per platform though please. The polls will close Sunday night, and next Monday all three winners will be announced including the People's Choice winner. I have left the painters' names off of these to help keep the voting impartial and more about the model then the painter.
Just as a reminder, the winner of the People's Choice will receive a brand new Alarielle model courtesy of Ministomp! You can find their ad up in the top right corner which will take you to their site where you can get up to 30% off all Games Workshop products.
Without further ado, here are the entries!
Stormcast Eternals Prosecutor |
Bloodreaver Champion |
Stormcast Eternal Liberator |
Freeguild Captain |
Stormcast Eternal Lord-Relictor |
Ironjawz Weirdnob |
Sylvaneth Branchwraith |
Fyreslayer Runefather |
Nurgle Chaos Lord |
Tzaangor Sorcerer |
Nurgle Blight King |
Darkoath Chieftain |
Sylvaneth Branchwraith #2 |
Skaven Warlord |
Wanderer Spellweaver |
Gordrakk |
Herald of Tzeentch on Chariot |
Mortis Engine |
Wanderer Eternal Guard |
Bloodbound Blood Warriors |
Stormcast Eternal Concussors |
Soulblight Blood Knights |
Spirit of Durthu |
Stormcast Eternal Protectors |
Alarielle the Everqueen |
Ironjawz Gore-Gruntas |
Fyreslayer Runefather on Magmadroth |
Warshrine of Nurgle |
Demon Prince of Slaanesh |
Archaon Everchosen |
Orruk Stonehorn |
Terrorgheist |
Beastclaw Raider Frostlord |
Scyla Anfingrimm |
Spirit of Durthu #2 |
Thanquel and Boneripper |
Lord of Change |
Who Should be the People's Choice Winner?
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