Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.
Dwarf Slayer with Dead Giant by itshammertime! on CMoN
Wow, what can I say about this model. Everything on it is flawless, all the way from the concept to the execution. I love dioramas about Dwarf Slayers as there is something about them that just wants to be seen in action. I think one of the great things about this one is that we get a glimpse of the aftermath. Often times we see the actual battle or struggle, but not here. It's so serene in such a strange way. You can tell exactly what happened and it almost makes you feel bad for the giant. Let's talk about that giant for a second. The skin is perfect, smooth and well blended and a great color choice since it makes it seem like he is losing color due to bleeding out. The paleness of him really offsets the tanned Dwarf with his bright orange hair.

I don't normally include more views of the model but I wanted you to be able to see this close up on the dwarf. I love how he is inspecting the notch on his ax he received during the battle. I feel like this is the Warhammer Fantasy equivalent of slowly walking away form an explosion and not looking back. He doesn't even look like he is tired. This is a great repurposing of a model as well since that Dwarf is a crew member from an "old" warmachine that came out during the Storm of Chaos. There is no conversion on him except for the notch in the ax. The painter was just able to see that model and envision this whole scene around him. One of my favorite little details is the bloody rag tossed to the side from when the Slayer cleaned off his weapon. It's little stuff like that which really helps breathe life and believability into a diorama. This diorama really is amazing, one of the best I have ever seen.
Be sure to check out more views of it on
Cool Mini or Not and show the artist some love if you like it.
Until next time,
Tyler M.
What do you think of this model? If you have any models or have seen any around the web that you feel deserve to be the Mini of the Week feel free to send them to me at tylerm@mengelminiatures.com with the title "Mini of the Week" and a brief description of how you painted it or a link to where you found it.
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