Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Myth of Modeling for Advantage

We've all heard the term "Modeling for Advantage" before when people talk about conversions, and yes, I'm sure there are some people who would actually do this. Is it really worth the trade off of the stigma this term can bring though?

"There's 7 more of me coming!"

For those who don't know, modeling for advantage is the idea of converting or modeling your mini in a way that would benefit you in a game. Such as, making a normally taller model smaller so you can hide it behind some scenery, or putting them on a different sized base so that they can fight more models in combat. This is often talked about along the lines of someone debating doing a conversion, or people who already have converted a model. Like I said, I'm sure there ARE people out there who do this solely for the benefit they would gain in the game, but they are definitely the minority. This falls along the same lines as the eight Bloodthirsters argument I saw cited all the time when AoS first came out with no points. Essentially, what's to stop me from taking eight Bloodthirsters if there are no points. Well, hopefully some basic human decency.

The majority of people who are planning on converting some models, putting hours of extra time into the mini, are most likely not trying to get an extra advantage in game. I've seen people discuss some really awesome conversion ideas, only for it to get shot down because it's not the same visual footprint as the model it's representing. As in, not tall enough or not wide enough. In games like AoS and 40k where there is True Line of Sight, this is something that could matter. The problem is, how often does this really come into play? Whenever I plan something out that would make a model different I always just say "I'll defer to my opponent if they have a problem." Would they normally be able to see this model if it wasn't converted? Then I'm going to say they can see it. Is my model that's technically supposed to be on a 25mm base that's now on a 32mm base only completing their charge by 7mm? Then I'll say they didn't make it. What I'm trying to say is I'm going for Rule of Cool, and that's about it. My Banshees and Cairn Wraiths for my Nighthaunt are on 32mm bases when technically they're supposed to be on 25mm, but I like the way they look and I don't plan on rebasing them. I also have a Banshee conversion on a 40mm base because that's what I needed to fit it, and I've never had an issue with her in any of my games. She's also about twice the height.

I'm guessing the majority of people are doing the same. They would rather have their lovingly converted model on the table and defer to their opponent in fringe situations like this. They're not trying to game the system. There definitely will be some people who are, but a very, very small percentage of people, and they'll most likely not be pleasant to play against in general anyway. From my experience, people who would actually Model for Advantage are also probably the kind of people who will try and cheat in other ways, or question every rule, or generally be unpleasant to be around.

I'm standing on these skulls to see over a hill.

I'd rather see the awesome conversions out there! Let's end the stigma of "Modeling for Advantage" and encourage people to be creative with their hobby. It'd be pretty boring if no one was allowed to do anything fun with their model because it's now 5mm taller than before. All you need to do is have a quick one minute conversation with your opponent if you're worried. It's worth the extra level of hobby awesomeness we could potentially see in my opinion.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you ever had people discourage you from a cool conversion due to "modeling for advantage"? Have you ever actually ran into someone in a game who truly had "modeled for advantage"?

Until next time,

Tyler M.

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