Tuesday, May 17, 2022

TUTORIAL: The Quicksilver Dead

While I'm a big fan of the more traditional Nighthaunt color schemes, it's always cool to see some that are more unique. In the new Nighthaunt battletome we get two new sub-factions, each with a pretty cool color scheme, the Scarlet Doom and Quicksilver Dead. Today I'm going to show you how to paint the metallic Quicksilver Dead in an easy to follow step by step guide!


Step 1.

The model was primed with Leadbelcher spray.

Step 2.

The silver areas then got an all over coat of a 50/50 mix of Basilicanum Grey and Contrast Medium.

Step 3.

This was followed by a heavy drybrush of Iron Hands Steel.

Step 4.

Lastly, these areas were edge highlighted with Stormhost Silver.

The Cloak

Step 1.

The cloak on the model was base coated with Abaddon Black.

Step 2.

This was followed by a highlight of Dark Reaper. You can make these lines a little bit thicker.

Step 3.

Next, I went in with a thinner highlight of Thunderhawk Blue in the same areas.

Step 4.

Finally, I used Fenrisian Grey to pick out the most prominent areas. This should be the thinnest highlight.

The Wood

Step 1.

The wood of the weapon was base coated with Rhinox Hide.

Step 2.

This was then given a wash of Nuln Oil, but only where it met other colors, such as around the hands and the blade.

Step 3.

Next, I edge highlighted it with Gorthor Brown.

Step 4.

This was followed by a final highlight of Baneblade Brown on the most prominent areas. This was mostly done as dots of the color where the different lines met.

The Blade

Step 1.

Tidy up the blade with Leadbelcher if needed, then give it an all over wash of Agrax Earthshade.

Step 2.

This was then edge highlighted with Stormhost Silver. I also added scratches here.

Then just base the model how you want and you're done! I decided to go for a classic brown base since the model is so dark and cold. This helps make it pop more. I also painted the gravestone on the base in a neutral grey, but shaded with Agrax to make it a bit warmer.

I really like that we're getting these official alternate color scheme for the Nighthaunt. I personally still love the ghostly look the best, but both the Scarlet Doom and the Quicksilver Dead are pretty awesome color schemes, and are still very quick and easy to do.

Which Nighthaunt color scheme is your favorite?

Until next time,

Tyler M.

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