Friday, July 27, 2018

Mini of the Week 7-27-18

Welcome back to Mini of the Week, where every Friday I will find a miniature from around the web that exemplifies an aspect of our hobby and share it with you.

Van Saar Ganger by Andrew Palies

I love when a model really pops. The current trend is still to go with more desaturated colors for a more realistic look, but sometimes you just need a good ol' pop of color. The bright yellow armor works perfectly with the black and the blues, turquoise, and green as well. The base has a bit more of a subdued look, which makes sense for something "natural" but this is broken up by the vibrant green toxic waste beneath it. I really love how the colors work with the clear turquoise of the energy shield, and do wish that color was used a bit more instead of the blue, but it all still looks great.

The blending on everything is smooth, with crisp highlights, and just the right amount of weathering. The Van Saar models already have a fairly futuristic look to them, even for 40k, and these color choices really help push that with an almost neon feel to them. I would love to see a whole gang painted up this way, and it definitely deserved the award it won at the Golden Demons.

Be sure to check out more views of the model on the Official Golden Demon website.

Until next time,

Tyler M.

For all of your own miniature needs visit Ministomp where you can get the entire Games Workshop product range. They also have frequent model giveaways on their Twitter account, so be sure to follow them.

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